Wednesday, March 17, 2010

RedOne vs. JR Rotem

Anyone else hear that horrible Jason Derulo song "In My Head"? I heard it a while back and I thought how similar it sounded to Lady GaGa's "Just Dance" and to basically anything RedOne has done. I was taken aback when I found out it was actually produced by JR Rotem. It wasn't until I downloaded an "In My Head vs Just Dance" mash up that I was really surprised how eerily they sound alike.

Jason Derulo's "In My Head" vs. Lady Gaga's "Just Dance"

You know who JR Rotem is! He's the producer that was linked to Britney Spears during her Blackout era mess (He even produced Britney's "Everybody"). He is the producer of many "hits" from Rihanna's "SOS" to Sean Kingston's "Beautiful Girls" to Iyaz' "Replay". I was like kinda in shock to find out that he produced a track almost exactly similar to RedOne's tracks.

We all know RedOne hit pay dirt when he got lucky producing tracks off of Lady GaGa's album "The Fame" making him the "it" producer of this year (he even produced that awful Haiti tribute)... but let's get real. ALL OF HIS PRODUCTION'S SOUND THE DAMN SAME. Same recycled beats and effects; new song. It's kinda shitty of him. I don't even think he expected to be that big thanks to GaGa. I can't take him seriously when all he does is make a carbon copy of a carbon copy of a previous production he did.

That's not to say that JR is off the hook... why did he put out a song so similar to RedOne's? JR is known for sampling and reusing to make a hit... but did he do it on purpose? to sort of poke fun at RedOne? Or did he do it because RedOne's productions are so popular lately? What does that say about JR? Can he make anything original? He's always sampling something... Look at Rihanna's "SOS", Britney's "Everybody", Jason Derulo's "What You Say", etc.

Either way... something in the milk ain't clean and both producers need to step it up. I'm tired of instantly hearing a song and knowing it's a RedOne production bc all his shit sounds the same... from Kat Deluna's "Whine Up" to Lady GaGa's "Just Dance" to "Poker Face" to "Bad Romance" to Cassie 'I-Suck-Dick-For-Track's'"Let's Get Crazy" to the newly released Mika song "Kick Ass". He needs to change it up... that one note producing has got to stop.



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