Thursday, May 13, 2010

L O S T: A Bittersweet Rant

I really wish I could say, "I SPENT SIX LONG YEARS FOLLOWING THIS SHOW..." but I can't. About two summers ago, my roommate and I shot gunned the series starting from season 1 to mid-season 5 where we finally caught up real time. We were probably able to watch the remaining episodes 7 or 8 episodes of that season live. I may not have six years of my life dedicated to the show, but I still feel for the people that did...

I can't really judge the show completely since it has 3.5 hours left to be unseen... but from what I've seen... I don't know exactly how they plan on answering HALF the questions that remain unanswered. It's so sad to see a really good show with good characters come to an end in such an incomplete way. The writers really should've worked out important answers during the course of the show. They knew mid season 3 that the show was done by season 6... so why did they go on to just pack so many questions between this period? Hell look at the most recent episode "Across the Sea". That episode left us with even MORE questions than before and it's the 3rd to the last episode. That is just ridiculous.

I'm not trying to say that the writers did a horrible job... I just wish that they would've thought more of the viewing audience? I don't know... I just hope the last 3.5 hours of LOST really do complete the whole experience for me. It would really bother me to have no answers to really important questions.

With that all rambling bullshit... I guess I can end the blog with the top 5 things I love about LOST.

5.  The Soundtrack
The score to LOST is composed by Academy Award winner Michael Giacchino. The score does so much for the show. It just takes it to the next level.

4. The Fans
LOST fans are just so dedicated. From the hardcore watcher who catches and rewatches episodes 5 or 10 times to the casual watcher. The fans are really was drives the show. Lostpedia: The Lost Encyclopedia is one of the best fan resources out there. I love how creative the fans are too. From creating graphics to oil paintings to fanfiction to LOST inspired cakes and cookies! It's totally amazing to see stuff like that being made. I'd also like to shout out the amazing fans @ ONTD_LOST. Not only because I moderate there but also because they are genuinely into the show and are always entertaining.

3. The Literary Techniques(?)
LOST does some really amazing story telling. Seasons 1 thru 3 had stories being told in flashbacks. Come Season 4 we had flashforwards. Season 5 did timeflashes (both on the island just at different periods) and with Season 6 we had the flash-sideways. The whole "We have to go back!!!!" moment maybe my favorite LOST moment yet.

I'm not that big on love in shows... I mean even when I watched "General Hospital" I wasn't much into who should be with who and what not. There are exceptions... Luke and Tracy... Jason and Sam. and on LOST... It's Sawyer and Juliet.

Their story may not have had seasons of build up like Desmond and Penny... but when they were together... I really felt like they genuinely loved and felt for each other. That plus the fact that "The Constant" episode of Lost made me cry.

1. The Characters
How can you not watch LOST and not just fall in love with the characters? There is just so much to fall in love with.

That is all... lol


Alexis said...

Ugh this made me so sad. At Comic Con last year I camped out for the last panel and met some of the coolest people ever. I'll miss the fans- we're all so awesome :(

Also, the soundtracks GIVE ME LIFE.

I love this post so much. Why can't LOST be forever? :(((

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